Have you thought about how much time you spend looking for icons, color palettes, fonts, images, textures, mockups and various other items that are part of your workflow?
Well, thinking about it, I put together a list of sites that can help, a lot, in your daily life. Worth saving in Favorites and recommending to friends! = D
To identify and find that typography (source) you need so much.
Often, the typography we so much want is in an image and we do not know its name or family. But this super interesting site can help you find at least something like the one you’re looking for. Just “upar” an image and enter the characters that the site requests.
This site has already been posted on the blog, but for those who have not seen it is the tip! It is a site that helps a lot, mainly because it aims at productivity. And that’s what we’re talking about.
It simply displays all the fonts installed on your computer, even allowing you to type words, you can choose size, uppercase, lowercase, etc.
Great for anyone who works with branding!
is a video sharing site where users can upload, enjoy and share creative content. Films, Short films, documentaries, animations, motions, technical videos, that is, of all kinds. It is a great place to look for references and inspirations.
Speaking of inspiration, this site is like a gold mine. It’s so much cool content that it gets hard to get out of it! This online community is for the exposure of creative content. There are references of all types: typographies, photo montages, illustrations (of all traces, colors and shapes), icons, mockups, logos, etc.
This is another one that is a little twig. In addition to a lot of inspiration, the site features mockups of all kinds: cell phones, computers, workspaces, bags, packaging, magazines, and more! It is a very good place also for those looking for models of icons and textures!
Talking about icons, this site features pictograms and icons that are indispensable! Considered by many designers and even other sites as a better place to meet the most diverse symbols, The Noun Project is world renowned. It functions as a search engine where we can download for free, as long as we mention the author. It is possible to register and contribute (following some rules). When downloading, we can choose to pay – it’s usually a very low value, or choose to quote the source. If it comes down for free, it’s worth being ethical and quoting, is not it? 😉
The cool thing is that we can download in Vector in SGV format, which is the abbreviation of Scalable Vector Graphics, that is: scalable vector graphics. When downloading, just drag it to Illustrator. Ready to edit!
Much like the previous one, the site also offers a huge range of graphic vectors of icons and pictograms. Both sites have super cool tools, which are extensions that allow the drag feature to your page or document, such as a library within the software (can be Illustrator, After Effects, Photoshop). This service is paid, and can be tested for free for a few days.
This site has different styles from previous ones that focus more on pictograms. Some icons are 3D and very well illustrated. It is possible to download in PNG, JPEG and in several sizes.
Do you know that much needed audio effect? So on that site there are a lot of cool sounds, plus some songs too. Just make a registration (simple) and download at will! Motion designers and animators need to know.
This deserves prominence and is dedicated to webdesignes and interaction designers. The site displays and rewards sites from around the world, in various categories, such as the site of the day, site of the month, site of the year, among others. Very worth checking out!
Ideal for searching for references of logos.
To download several “fonts” free, in the most diverse types, categories and styles!
You can preview a word before downloading. Very practical, so we can test graphic signals like accents, symbols and numerals.
To download images when our money is short. There are many good free images that save and give a boost to that project!
Do you know that project you need to insert a logo and do not have in vector? Yes, this site can help. It has vector files of major international brands and even some national ones.
This site is a worldwide community where designers from the four corners of the world can create their palettes and help us with our designs. Of course, we can also create ours! I’ve used it several times and highly recommend it!
A lot of people already know, but could not stop talking about that site. Freepik is a site with thousands of free vectors. It helps a lot, especially with flat items.
Our projects are of weight, literally. Often they exceed the 25 mega bytes that emails support for download. So to send that huge file, Wetransfer can be very useful! You can enter the email of your client / friend / provider and yours, to give a check. The link is available for a few days to download and you will be notified when it expires.
Well, these are some sites that, throughout my professional life, I consider indispensable. If you have another suggestion that can help, send us!