Customize the WordPress login screen


Customizing the WordPress admin page is very easy. I am referring to the .Customization should be done by inserting some functions into the functions.php file of your current theme. I always recommend that you change files of your WordPress make a backup of the file, if you do something wrong you have the original file to replace and correct the error.

Change logo

By default the WordPress logo is displayed , however you can insert another image. In that case we could replace the default image with the logo of your website or blog.
/images/logo-login.gif : The images folder is the images folder of your current theme, logo-login.gif corresponds to the name of the image that will appear on the initial admin screen of your WordPress.

function custom_login_logo() {
        echo '<style type="text/css">h1 a { background: url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/images/logo-login.gif) 50% 50% no-repeat !important; }</style>';
add_action('login_head', 'custom_login_logo');

Change url

The logo page link link by default takes users to , with the function below you can redirect users to your own site.

function change_wp_login_url() {
        echo bloginfo('url');
add_filter('login_headerurl', 'change_wp_login_url');

Change Title

This function changes the attribute titleof the image inserted in the login page.

function change_wp_login_title() {
        echo get_option('blogname');
add_filter('login_headertitle', 'change_wp_login_title');